Circular Externa 100-00005
What is it about?
Esta Circular fue dictada por la Superintendencia de Sociedades de Colombia para regular a los fiscalizados¹ respecto de la obligación de reporte a la Unidad de Información y Análisis Financiero (UIAF), en el contexto de prevención del lavado de activos y financiamiento del terrorismo. De esta forma, insta a las empresas a realizar un análisis de exposición a estos riesgos y establecer su propio sistema de autocontrol y gestión según las propias características del giro.
Para crear un marco normativo amplio sobre estos temas, se citan normas y estándares internacionales sobre LA/FT que Colombia ha ratificado, así como también las normas colombianas que ilustran este ámbito de prevención.
Based on the above, the minimum parameters for adopting a self-control and risk management system are presented, considering the following aspects:

By the legal representative(s), who shall submit it to the board of directors or highest corporate body, whose approval must be recorded in the corresponding minutes. If a prevention policy or system has already been approved, it must be reviewed to corroborate compliance with the provisions of this Circular.
Fuente: Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros

The board of directors or highest corporate body shall provide the legal representative with the technological, human and physical resources for the adequate compliance of the system.
Fuente: Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros

To ensure execution and compliance, a compliance officer will be appointed who will report to the legal representative at least every six months. The compliance officer shall report to the legal representative at least every six months, who shall keep the board of directors or the highest corporate body informed of his or her actions.

Compliance with the prevention system will be required, establishing sanctions or incentives to ensure compliance with the controls in the operations, businesses or contracts carried out by the company, which must be appropriately accredited.

The board of directors or highest corporate body shall provide the legal representative with the technological, human and physical resources for the adequate compliance of the system.
Fuente: Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros

To ensure enforcement and compliance, an Implementation Officer shall be designated so that employees can identify when a transaction is unusual or suspicious and should be reported, the means to report it, and to whom to report it. This should be at least annual.