
LEY 30.424

Decreto Legislativo 1.352

Reglamento Nº30.424

What is it about?

Law 30,424 was published on April 21, 2016, and has been subsequently amended DL N°1,352 and Law 30,835 expanding the catalog of offenses for which the administrative liability of the legal entity may be prosecuted. Thus, companies may be liable for:
  • Transnational active bribery
  • Generic active bribery
  • Specific active bribery
  • Money laundering
  • Financing of Terrorism
  • Simple and Aggravated Collusion
  • Influence Peddling
Liability may be prosecuted whenever any of the offenses indicated have been committed in its name or on behalf of the company, and for its direct or indirect benefit, by the following persons:
Socios, directores, administradores de hecho o derecho, representantes legales o apoderados de la empresa, sus filiales o subsidiarias.
Natural persons, under the orders or authorization of the aforementioned persons.
Particulares, cuando las personas mencionadas en el primer cuadro hayan incumplido sus deberes de supervisión, vigilancia y control sobre la actividad encomendada.
The details regarding the regulation of the Model, its minimum elements and those left to the company’s self-regulation are also contained in the Regulation of Law 30.424, which provides definitions, strategic phases for risk management, and general provisions of the Crime Prevention Model, among other points.