Greater transparency in sustainability and corporate governance

The path of companies towards sustainability and good corporate governance. To discuss the role of companies in society and their impact on the environment, BH Compliance realized the first webinar of the year, entitled “Greater transparency in sustainability and corporate Read More

Reflecting on the Economic Crimes Bill

This Thursday, October 14, we had the opportunity to learn in greater detail about the Economic Crimes bill being processed in Congress, through a webinar organized by AmCham Chile and BH Compliance. As is well known, this bill has generated Read More

BH Compliance exhibits at the Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce

This Tuesday, October 5, BH Compliance was present at the virtual round table of the International Business Alliance of the Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce in Florida, through its CEO, Susana Sierra, and the Legal and Compliance Manager, Ramón Montero. Read More

FCPA Update, an alert for companies in Latin America

The United States has made anti-corruption a priority, strengthening laws to expand the investigative capacity of its authorities worldwide. This should be a wake-up call for companies, especially in Latin America, where corruption levels have risen with the pandemic. To Read More

From Compliance to Strategy

As part of the series of webinars that BH Compliance is carrying out to discuss the role of the company in society and how to be an agent of change, this Thursday, April 29, BH Compliance, together with AmCham Chile, Read More

How does the new law on economic crime affects compliance?

On Wednesday, March 24, BH Compliance and BACS Abogados, held the first webinar of this 2021, to address the economic crimes bill being discussed in Congress and that brings important changes for the areas of Compliance in companies. The webinar Read More

Consumer Protection Compliance Plans

Susana Sierra, Executive Director of BH Compliance, spoke with attorney Jaime Lorenzini, Partner of Lorenzini-Twyman, and Carlos Andonaegui Elton, Retail Legal Manager of Banco BCI, who shared the company’s experience in implementing these models. Jaime explained what a consumer protection Read More

Anti-corruption meeting Global Compact

Considering the context of pandemic and crisis of trust that Chile and the world are facing, Global Compact organized on Thursday, November 5, a virtual meeting to analyze how corruption has become an obstacle to progress in sustainable development. This Read More

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