On Thursday, January 5, the Corporate Governance and Compliance Committee and the Digital Regulations Board of the Chilean American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Chile) held the webinar “IT Compliance”, which addressed contingent issues for companies related to the IT field, such as the protection of personal data, cybersecurity, and the new Computer Crimes Law, and how these represent challenges for compliance areas.
The online seminar was moderated by Susana Sierra, chair of the Corporate Governance and Compliance Committee of AmCham Chile and CEO of BH Compliance, and included presentations by Paulina Silva, partner at Bitlaw, and Guillermo Acuña, partner at Carey, who spoke in detail about the new IT regulations.
In addition, Margarita Walker, Compliance Manager of Entel, Rafael Le-Bert, Legal Affairs Manager of Camanchaca, and Cristóbal Aninat, Public Affairs Manager of Mercado Libre, participated in the panel discussion and gave their testimonies on how they put into practice the IT issues in the compliance areas of their respective companies.
In her introduction, Susana Sierra raised the importance for companies to be aware of the Computer Crimes Law that came into force last year, as well as the Personal Data Protection project that is currently being processed, so that they can work on the challenges that these new initiatives bring to the Law on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities, and therefore, to compliance.
Paulina Silva referred to compliance and privacy, giving details of the Personal Data Protection Bill being discussed in Congress, anticipating the complexity that implementing it will bring for companies, as it covers legal, organizational, and technical aspects, as well as being transversal to all industries, organizations, and areas of national activity, and there is no univocal solution. He also pointed out that the project encourages a culture of compliance, so companies must prepare themselves, “put their house in order”, define a strategy, and allocate resources.
For his part, Guillermo Acuña spoke about the recent regulation of Computer Crimes (Law No. 21,459), which established a catalog of existing computer crimes in Chile and added new figures and incorporated them into the Law of Liability of Legal Entities (Law No. 23,393) for which the company can now be criminally liable if these crimes were committed for the benefit or in the interest of the company.
We invite you to review the complete webinar.