Our Team

Susana Sierra
Chief Executive Officer, CEO

Ramón Montero
Chief Operations Officer, COO

Francisco Bilbao
Director of Legal and Compliance
We are an external and independent team of professionals dedicated to assessing and monitoring the regulatory aspects of corporate integrity and governance.

Tomás Undurraga
Subdirector of Legal and Compliance
He joined BH Compliance in August 2016
- Lawyer with Minor in Business Law.
- Degree in Data Protection, Regulatory Frame and Practice Application from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- Experience as an attorney in the Judicial Defense – Public Prosecutor’s Office of Banco Santander Chile (2013 – 2014).
- He has also participated in over 100 Certification and Recertification processes of companies from various industries.

José Moreno
Senior Compliance Auditor
He joined BH Compliance in March 2019
- Accountant and Auditor from Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín.
- Experience in external auditing (outsourcing) for more than two years, specialization in taxes and analysis of financial statements.
- He has also participated in over 100 Certification and Recertification processes of companies from various industries.

Bianca Blanco
Compliance Auditor
She joined BH Compliance in March 2019
- Experience in internal auditing in the area of projects and audit research and in the network of national offices of Banco Mercantil.
- She has also participated in over 100 Certification and Recertification processes of companies from various industries.

Milagros Valderrama
Compliance Auditor
She joined BH Compliance in May 2019
- Accountant and Auditor graduated from Universidad del Zulia.
- She comes with over nine years of experience in Accounting, Financial Analysis and Reporting, including prevention management, error detection and deviations from administrative and accounting procedures and records.
- She has also participated in over 100 Certification and Recertification processes of companies from various industries.

Lorena Solis
Executive Assistant
She joined BH Compliance in November 2019
- Executive Assistant with extensive experience in national and multinational companies, performing executive, administrative and commercial tasks.
- Currently, responsible for the administrative processes of BH Compliance.

Mariela Torres
Communications Manager
She joined BH Compliance in February 2020
- Journalist from Universidad Diego Portales with studies in digital communication.
- She comes with 20 years of experience as a consultant on internal and external strategic communications, for private companies as well as local government authorities.
- Handling of integral communication management.

Dannae Véliz
Compliance Auditor
She joined BH Compliance in December 2021
- Certified Public Accountant and Auditor from the University of Santiago de Chile
- She is currently participating in several Certification and Recertification processes of companies from various industries.

Francisca Paul
ESG Product Specialist
She joined BH Compliance in August 2022
- Psychologist from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, specializing in Organizational Psychology.
- Master in Prosperity, Innovation, and Business at University College of London UCL; Certification in Digital Product Management at Brainstation London; and Diploma in Public Policy from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- Experience as a sustainability consultant and project manager in Latin America and Europe.

Teresita Sanchez
Product Manager
She joined BH Compliance in August 2022.
- Commercial engineer with mention in business administration Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
- Certification in Full-Stack Python development at Coding Dojo
- Experience in marketing, growth, and development of digital products.

Isabel Martin
Legal Compliance Executive
She joined BH Compliance in October 2022.
- Lawyer with a major in Private Law, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
- She was an assistant professor of Tax Law at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
- She is currently participating in several processes of Certification and Re-Certification of companies from various industries.

Valentina Pefaur
Business Development Manager
She joined BH Compliance in March 2023.
- Business Administration, Universidad de los Andes
- Assistant of the “Compliance and Sustainability” course taught by Susana Sierra at Universidad de los Andes.

Santiago Paya
Legal Compliance Executive
He joined BH Compliance in May 2023.
- Lawyer with a major in Ambiental Law, Universidad de los Andes.
- Diploma in Current Issues of Criminal Procedure at the University of Chile.
- Experience as an intern in the Studies Unit of the Public Defender’s Office.
- He is currently participating in several processes of Certification and Re-Certification of companies from various industries.

Manuel Troncoso
Legal Compliance Executive
He joined BH Compliance in June 2023.
- Lawyer with mention in Private Law, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
- During his studies he spent a semester at the University of Deusto, Spain.
- He is currently participating in several processes of Certification and Re-Certification of companies from various industries.

Javiera Bro
Compliance Auditor
She joined BH Compliance in January 2024.
- Certified Public Accountant from Universidad Diego Portales.
- Participation in a digital Internal Audit Program at Vision Consulting.
- She is currently participating in several processes of Certification and Re-Certification of companies from various industries.

Vicente Montory
Legal Compliance Executive
He joined BH Compliance in March 2024.
- Lawyer with mention in Ambiental Law, Universidad de los Andes.
- He is currently participating in several processes of Certification and Re-Certification of companies from various industries.

Ana María Griffin
Legal Compliance Executive
She joined BH Compliance in October 2024.
- Lawyer with mention in Human Rights, Universidad de los Andes.
- Diploma in Administrative Contracts: bidding, execution and termination, Universidad de los Andes.
- She is currently participating in several processes of Certification and Re-Certification of companies from various industries.

Victoria Hermosilla
Legal Compliance Executive
She joined BH Compliance in October 2024.
- Lawyer, Universidad Diego Portales
- Diploma in Corporate Law and Compliance, Universidad de los Andes
- She is currently participating in several processes of Certification and Re-Certification of companies from various industries.