Latin America: democracies on alert

Peru is experiencing a delicate institutional crisis. In Argentina, we saw the assassination attempt of its vice-president Cristina Fernandez. Ecuador is experiencing the violence of organized crime. And in Brazil, citizens are getting ready to elect their new president, amid Read More

Governance As The Force For Real Change In The ESG World

When companies don’t have coherence between what they say and what they do, or when they define themselves through marketing hype that does not reflect their true intentions or thoughts, the truth comes to light sooner rather than later. Today, Read More

Corporate Values: let’s not lose focus

By Susana Sierra, CEO BH Compliance Reality has taken over fiction, and this is demonstrated by great streaming successes based on real events. For example, the series WeCrashed tells the story of WeWork, a company that in 2010 came to Read More

Uber files, the importance of how

Talking about the role of the company in society seems repetitive and tedious, but it seems that repeating it countless times is not enough if we continue to learn about bad practices from the private sector, which in turn tarnish Read More

It is not a lack of law, it is a lack of ethics.

In the last few days alone, we have heard news such as the fine imposed by the CMF on the director of Invercap for insider trading; the conflict of interest of the Director of Airports of the MOP, who participated Read More

Movement for the G

When companies lack coherence between what they say and what they do, or when they define themselves through marketing actions that they neither feel nor think, sooner or later the truth will come out. Today, more than ever, it is Read More

Blockchain for the fight against corruption

It is no longer a cliché to talk about the dizzying advance of technology, how it is changing and facilitating our lives, contributing to the development of new markets, and helping to reduce gaps. Technology is a reality that we Read More

Perfil del oficial de cumplimiento

Proponerse el éxito de una firma es el anhelo de cualquier empresario, independientemente del tamaño o giro de una compañia. Por lo mismo, es natural temer a los riesgos que puedan amenazar la estrategia y la gestión de la empresa. Read More