Last Thursday, January 12, the Fundación Generación Empresarial (FGE) held the 2022 edition of the “Recognition of Commitment to Integrity”, where organizations that promote good business practices and foster a culture of integrity that permeates each of its members were recognized.
This year 104 companies received awards, representing a higher number than in 2021 when 63 companies were recognized. These companies were selected after excelling in the Barometer of Values and Organizational Integrity, a survey processed with the support of the Directorate of Social Studies (DESUC) of the Catholic University, which measures the experience and communication of corporate values; knowledge of the tools for preventing unethical behavior; the presence of ethical conflicts and the commitment of the hierarchies to integrity within the institutions, and which was answered anonymously, confidentially and voluntarily by the employees of various companies. In addition, each company had to present its accreditation guidelines, i.e., the concrete actions it is taking to prevent bad practices, such as reporting channels, protocols, and policies of conduct, anti-bribery, among others.
The ceremony was held at the Club El Golf 50 and was attended by the entire board of directors of FGE. On the occasion, companies were also highlighted in various categories: First Measurement, Gap Reduction, Track Record; Non-business Organizations, Family Businesses, and SMEs.
“We are very proud to have been part of this recognition that highlights the ethics and integrity of companies. This is precisely the focus of BH Compliance, which reinforces that we are on the right track. But, beyond having been included in this select group, we are happy because many of our clients are also included in it, which shows us that we are doing a good job with them in this area, and we owe this to our entire team”, said Ramón Montero, Legal and Compliance Manager of BH Compliance.
Fernanda Hurtado, FGE’s general manager, explained that “being part of the FGE Recognition is a great contribution to building a culture of integrity, as it allows us to detect areas where changes must be made and efficiently allocate human and financial resources to implement improvements, which facilitates progress in terms of good practices. This is an experience from which valuable lessons are learned, a better working environment is created and employees are committed to this process, which strengthens organizations from their core, projecting them into the future and favoring their long-term sustainability,” explained Fernanda Hurtado, general manager of FGE.
We congratulate each of the companies recognized and hope to see more companies in the next edition, as a result of the work in this area during 2023.