The endless history of Carabineros

This article first appeared in La Segunda on July 11, 2017. In the face of an irregularity such as the one that occurred in the Carabineros, the challenge is posed to the candidates for the Presidency: What would they do Read More

Fuente: Agencia Uno

The endless history of carabineros

  This article first appeared in Pulso on July 06, 2022. In the face of an irregularity such as the one that occurred in the Carabineros, the challenge is posed to the candidates for the Presidency: What would they do Read More

The never-ending story in Carabineros

  AS time goes by, more and more information about the fraud in the Carabineros is emerging. Yes, those in charge of putting an order in the institution would have organized themselves to commit crimes, betraying the trust of the Read More

Bad practices: “I didn’t know”.

  IT SEEMS TO BE MORE RECURRENT than usual that when some irregularity, crime, or breach of ethics is made public, the heads of a company, government agency, or political party hide behind the phrase ‘I didn’t know. Of course, Read More


  translate time goes by, more and more information about the fraud in the Carabineros is emerging: the amount already exceeded $22 billion, and those involved amount to more than 70 people, from civilians to Carabineros, among them colonels and Read More

Conflicting interests

Lately, conflicts of interest have taken over the political contingency. First, there were the Bancard and Dominga cases, which complicated former President Sebastián Piñera, and then the Probity Law, which demanded the declaration of assets and interests of public officials Read More

Brazil, hitting rock bottom?

From an early age, we are taught that if we do something wrong we will receive a sanction. If the punishment is exemplary, we are likely to improve our behavior. If no one tells us anything or the sanction is Read More

Process and institutions

  This article first appeared in Pulso on December 31, 2021. It´s disappointing that institutions that we believed, to be honest, have committed blunders. It is not that they are less forgiven than the private or public sector. But in Read More

Role of the Board of Directors

We are one of the least corrupt countries in Latin America. No one disputes that. Even worldwide our indexes are positive. Many highlight the functioning of our institutions. But is it enough? No. It is rather an opportunity to do Read More