Every day I read the press and I notice that, despite the passing of the years, we are still a very divided country, dominated by ideologies and individual interests. And although I do not doubt that our honorable people want the best for Chile and the government authorities are working for a country with greater progress and development, something is happening to us that lately everything is a fight, hatred, and competitiveness.
At what point did we come to this? Intentions to constitutionally accuse; first ministers of State, then the National Prosecutor, and recently judges of the Supreme Court. Radical differences on very important issues, such as the minimum wage and the Tax Reform. Relevant legislation that remains dormant, without seeing the light of day. Light discussions on value issues. Where are the strategy and the dedication to public service?
The time has come to reflect and prioritize, we cannot continue walking in this direction. Today we see the difficulties that countries such as Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, and Peru are going through and we believe that we are far from reaching them. However, what is called ‘institutional crisis’ could be closer than we think if there is no commitment and a change of attitude. Let us not expect to hit rock bottom.
Now that we are in the month of the homeland, and we remember our origins as an independent Republic, it would be good for us to stop and think about the Chile we would like to leave to future generations. In the digital transformation, in quality education, in the incorporation of immigrants, in overcoming poverty, in the sustainability of our business class, in our transportation system, in facilitating entrepreneurship, in improving the quality of employment, and in doing things right.
Let’s not get stuck in the small talk, let’s move forward. It is up to all of us to make Chile a more prosperous and peaceful country.
Publisehed: La Tercera