IT SEEMS TO BE MORE RECURRENT than usual that when some irregularity, crime, or breach of ethics is made public, the heads of a company, government agency, or political party hide behind the phrase ‘I didn’t know. Of course, if they are unaware of a particular situation, there is little that can be done to avoid the consequences, there is no doubt about that. However, when they hold senior management positions, this ‘argument’ becomes an excuse.
Those who hold high positions of responsibility must, above all, have absolute control over everything that concerns the group they lead, as well as pass on timely and clear information to the rest of the members
of the organization, regardless of their size, or sector and preferences.
That, for example, financial decisions are not known by a group (which could even oppose such determination), and that at least one conflict of interest can be seen from afar, reveals that those who were elected to represent a collective are not doing their job, at least not in the right way.
It is legitimate to seek profits, to grow in sales and market share, there is nothing wrong up to that point. What should be questioned is how the objective is being reached, and how the process is being exe
cuted, especially if there is a group that is being represented because it is not looking after an individual interest.
In general, intentions are always good, a company is not born with the idea of doing evil, but it can become a negative agent if its directors deliver incentives without thinking about how workers manage to achieve the ambitious goals that their bosses ask of them.