To talk about the use of technology in the fight against corruption, the CEO of BH Compliance, Susana Sierra, was part of the IV CEO Summit of the Americas Summit, organized by the US Chamber of Commerce and the US Department of State.
Specifically, she participated in the panel “Business Delivers: Fostering Integrity and Combatting Corruption Through Technology” together with E. Gervase Warner, CEO of Massy Group and President of CARICOM, from Trinidad and Tobago.
On the occasion, Susana Sierra stressed that corruption exists when there are two interested parties, usually the public sector and the private sector, but she is convinced that if companies collaborate to combat this problem by saying “no” and following policies and control processes, they could eradicate corruption or at least reduce it. This, because companies are not the corrupt ones, but rather the “bad apples” within the organizations that end up muddying an entire company with their bad practices.
Regarding the use of technology, she referred to the experience of the BH Compliance platform, incorporating blockchain to monitor compliance programs and safeguard the evidence generated, creating a kind of “digital fingerprint” to each document, ensuring greater transparency, traceability and integrity of information.
Likewise, Susana Sierra called on companies to stop acting and thinking like islands, and to adapt to the changes imposed by the future, in line with sustainability and technological advances. “Companies are not buildings, they are people, and to survive the coming years, they must rethink their values and purpose,” she said. He also stressed that the way things are done matters as much, if not more, than the way they are done.