Paddling against the current

A few weeks ago, Brazil saw its democracy in danger after a group of Bolsonaristas attacked the buildings that house the three branches of government, following the same script as what happened in the United States and the attack on Read More

Latin America: leaders in need

2022 warned of its complexity from the very beginning. In addition to the effects of the pandemic, the global recession, and inflation, the supply chain crisis, new factors were now being added: a war that had been a threat for Read More

Weak rule of law, strong corruption

The pandemic left us convalescent and in a deep crisis from which we are still trying to emerge. Although we are moving towards an almost total opening and “normality” may be returning, there are several aspects that have been affected Read More

New legal changes, new challenges for compliance

The year 2022 has been a year of changes in the area of Compliance, changes that have followed a sustained trend of previous years and that could continue in future reforms, such as the potential publication of the criminal reform Read More

Strengthening compliance, an opportunity for companies

In a global world, where countries are becoming more and more integrated through trade, financial flows, and technological advances, we mustn’t stay only with the local reality and look at what is happening outside our borders, because without knowing it, Read More